Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hiya, I'm Siddharth. I arrived only very recently, on the 21st of December, 2007, four days shy of Christmas.

My mummy says she was clueless that I was going to arrive so soon. The doctor had told mummy and acha that I'd be arriving on Jan 9th or 10th, 2008. But I decided to surprise mummy and make her wish come true. See, she wanted me to be a December baby so that I can 'save' one year. My mummy herself was January baby.

The day before I was to arrive, mummy began feeling pain. Since she was a first time mum she wasn't sure if I was coming along already. She thought the pains were just the Braxton Hicks kind - you know, false contraction. But then, as midnight approached, the pain began gradually intensifying. Mummy couldn't sleep and kept pacing up and down the room. Acha asked if it was time but mummy said, "it's just braxton hicks". She had been timing the contraction since the early afternoon and contractions were about 10 to 11 minutes apart. Mummy had read many books and so she thought that there was really no hurry to get to the hospital. And, mummy was actually quite right.

However, after midnight the contractions were coming along at 9mins apart and then 7mins. This is when mummy began pinching and prodding daddy who had stayed awake until about 3am and then fell into grogged-out asleep. By 5pm, mummy knew she had to go to the hospital - but she was unsure if I was arriving that day or if the doctor would send her home with medication. At 6pm, mummy decided the pain was too much and called the doctor. Dr Loke Kar Leong told mummy that she may be in labour after all.

It was time to head to the hospital. And thus, begins my journey into the world.